Happy Birthday, Mr. Thor!

Today is Mr. Thor’s birthday. We will be in the same age decade for at least another 5 years.

If you have read this blog for any length of time, you already know that Mr. Thor has been an overwhelmingly positive force in my life.

He continues to blow me away with the amount of love and support that he offers, continually and unconditionally. Before Mr. Thor, I didn’t really understand what a healthy friendship should look like, I don’t think I knew the true meaning of love, and I definitely had some gaps in my self worth.

To say that he has  been a healing force in my life would not be an exaggeration. He is at times a coach, a therapist, or a cheerleader. He gives me a reality check when I’m going off the deep end and a nudge when I doubt that I have what it takes.

He is hilarious, and I love our inside jokes. We do impressions to make each other laugh. We watch old SNL skits over and over again and laugh hard every time.

He is caring, brilliant, fun, and he has a heart of pure gold.

I wish that every person on the planet could feel the way I get to feel because I know this man.

Happy birthday to the best husband, ever.

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